Monday, July 30, 2012

Tempus Fugit

365 days ago we landed here in Moscow, bewildered, breathless and excited.  It was a gorgeous summer day, not unlike today and we were exhausted yet eager to discover what we could about our new "home".  It has been a year and we're going strong.  With my studies finished and time to spare, I'm looking forward to more travel, hosting more dinner parties, spending time with friends, new and old and discovering more of what this culturally-rich city and this country have to offer.

Mr. U is getting a special dinner of magret de canard tonight.  I know better than to do this to myself but what the heck, it is a special milestone, right?  One down, two to go.

Not too shabby, eh?

An Alphabet of a Year!

A is for adventures, big and small
B is for beautiful summer weather
C is for crisp and cold winter
D is for Daddy, lost this past year
E is for everything is expensive
F is for fabulous
G is for Georgian restaurant (just down the lane)
H is for home
I is for interesting
J is for the juicer we bought mainly for watermelon (Mr. U’s new toy)
K is for kindness of my friends and family when I needed it the most
L is for leisurely lifestyle to which I have become accustomed LOL
M is for MEd (to be officially awarded this coming October)
N is for new friends who have become like family
O is for old friends who are family
P is for paperwork (needed for everything)
Q is for how quickly a year has gone by
R is for rest now that school is over
S is for simple
T is for travel to places new and old
U is for Mr. Unmentionable’s unwavering support
V is for very thankful and grateful for all that I have
W is for wonder
X is for eXcellent eXperiences so far
Y is for yes, we made the right move
Z is for Zavie, always and forever in my heart

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