Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Amsterdam, Redux

Last year we spent Easter weekend in Amsterdam and this spring I got to come back, on my own this time.  Mr. U got to enjoy his down time in Moscow while I was traipsing across Western Europe, using up the last of my “travel allowance”.   Since he has already spent time in both cities, Paris and Amsterdam don’t have the same draw for Mr. U as they do for me.  Now if I were spending time in Copenhagen, I’m sure he would have been by my side, no questions asked.  He has a northern soul, don’t you know.  I’m a bit more of a cheese and baguette kind of girl.  However, once I visit Copenhagen, I suspect that all bets may be off.

Since MM lives in Amsterdam, I have a place to crash any time I want (lucky me!) and since I was in Paris already (just a stone’s throw away), I was open to the idea of hopping on a TGV and scooting up to The ‘Dam for a weekend.  Thankfully MM was open to the idea of putting me up for the weekend!

Amsterdam is quickly becoming my second home in Europe.  I love its energy and its intimacy.  I find myself fascinated by and drawn to the vibrant colours and textures and sights and sounds that are everywhere in this exciting city.  I now know my way around fairly well (read: I know where there is good shopping) and armed with a GVB travel pass, I can get myself just about anywhere without too much trouble.

This particular weekend I had two things on my agenda: 1) to visit the Van Gogh museum which, you may recall, I wasn’t able to visit last time I was in town despite waiting over an hour in line and 2) take a trip to the zoo!  Early spring usually sees warm and sunny days in Amsterdam and despite this being the norm, it was rather chilly.  Nevertheless, MM and I made the most of it and spent lots of time bombing around town, taking in the sights and taking advantage of the time we had together.  Thai food for dinner one night, a Chunky Monkey cocktail and munchies at the Ghetto, Guinness at an Irish Pub with our favourite Irishman, the first ice cream of the season with Crash’s second mommy and a trip to the Saturday morning markets rounded out the weekend’s activities (not necessarily in that order).

Bagels & Beans

Delicious Food

organic bread at the market

love the colour

Poffertjes on the Westerstraat. Lekker!

First. Ice Cream. Of. The. Season
A very fancy burger at The Ghetto

Dam Square all dressed up for Queen's Day
MM went to the gym to box out some pent up energy so I took the tram and the metro over to the Hermitage Amsterdam (what a coincidence, it seems I just can’t escape the Motherland even in the Netherlands!) to visit the jewels of the collection from the Van Gogh museum that are on temporary display while the VG museum itself undergoes renovations.

I was once again awestruck by Vincent’s expressive talent (as I always am) when I came face to face with one of the paintings depicting a farmer’s field where I had stood less than 48 hours before.  Nothing comes close to the intimacy of bearing witness to the vibrant colours and traces of energy left by an artist, still visible on the canvas, after having stood in the space of the inspiration’s provenance.  It was as if the painting were completed minutes before and hung on the wall especially for me. 

Champ de blé aux corbeaux, Van Gogh July 1890
I could hear the flapping of wings as the birds took flight, the low rustling of the wind as it blew across the field, disturbing the delicate sheafs of wheat to move them in waves as if they flowed like water on the surface of a turbulent lake.  The tumultuous sky and bright, contrasting colours left me with a feeling of intense turbulence.  It was not difficult to see how troubled Vincent was at the end of his life.

By the time Sunday rolled around, we were ready for a bit of fresh air and that meant a trip to the zoo, rain or shine.  MM, the Irishman and I set out for what would prove to be a fantastic day of communing with weird and wonderful animals in the bright sunshine!

for Ida


A pelican's pouch holds more than its belly can!

fuzzy wallaby

Free range cassowaries?!!
These two cuties reminded me of the two old guys in the TD Bank commercials.

MM hand-feeding a hungry duck.

The Insectarium

Before & After

I've found Nemo!

Monkey Business

Leapin' lemurs!
It must be love.
I wonder what adventures await me the next time I come to town.  Perhaps an appointment with Dermadonna or a side trip to see Madurodam in the Hague or even a day in Gouda?

The possibilities are endless.

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