Sunday, June 26, 2011

Inventory done, ticket booked!

Flying business class, baby!  Aeroflot, here we come.  (That should prove to be an adventure in and of itself.)  We're flying out of the Big Apple and hoping to spend a few days there before we head over to "The Motherland".  Transitioning through NYC and staying at my favourite hotel chain for a couple of nights will help ease the culture shock (at least that is what I am telling myself).  Not to mention I want to go to Coney Island for a hot dog and walk along the boardwalk.  I think someone deserves a trinket from Tiffany's to match her bracelet, don't you?  Princess is so very high maintenance.

I'm filled with a mix of excitement, dread, relief and just plain exhaustion.  It has been a long time coming and now that our departure date is less than 4 weeks away, I just can't believe the time has actually arrived.  The house currently appears as if an atomic bomb exploded in the middle of it.  Artwork is off the walls, there are go/stay piles everywhere and the weeds have taken over the backyard (that's not a bad thing -at least they are green; from far, without my glasses, the "lawn" appears lush and healthy).

Packing and moving week will be interesting -what to take vs what to ship will be a delicate balance.  Thank goodness we have "people" to pack for us.  My face would peel off if I had to do it all myself.  The staff at Continental Airlines in Ottawa will have a cow at the amount of luggage we're going to check in.  Two huge pieces plus a carry-on each is more than I have ever traveled with my entire adult life -this girl is a carry-on or nothing kind of traveler.  It is for SURE going to cost us a bundle in fees if they accept to carry our baggage at all.  I think I have a letter somewhere asking them to waive the usual baggage restrictions and explaining why we have so much "stuff".

Who knows when our container will arrive and who knows what our flat will look like?  I'm ok with adventure but this level of uncertainty is kind of unsettling.  It will, however, make for some interesting stories and great photos, I'm sure.  I'm assured that there will be a "temporary welcome box" of stuff for us to use until our real possessions arrive.  WOW  I'm sure there are no All-Clad pots to found anywhere in that little treasure trove.  I also wonder what the furnishings/decor will be like...I'm banking on Post Soviet-Era chic...the background image of this blog gives you an idea of what I have in mind.  Hope for the best, brace for the worst, laugh off the rest.

Signing off with my sense of humour still intact (for now).

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