Sunday, July 10, 2011

рыбы ушли (the fish have left the building)

OK, all of the fish are now safely ensconced in their new homes and the house seems so very empty.  There is no art on the walls and the piles have piles.  Thankfully, the movers come on the 18th!

The Costco run has been made and I have to admit it was strange to shop and pay for 4 shopping carts worth of "stuff" and walk away with nothing in my hands.  I am going on blind faith that my purchases will actually make it to my new home eventually, otherwise I am out a very large sum of money and I'll be really, really cranky.  I'm hoping not to have to learn or use any "wirty dords" in Russian.

With our moving date coming up quickly, I have been trying to use up all the food and "stuff" in the refrigerator.  As today happens to be "anything can happen Sunday", someone (who shall remain nameless) -not me, decided to make frozen yogurt sundaes with what appeared to be chocolate sauce.  I was delighted to be presented with a treat.  Sadly, the first spoonful was acrid and unfamiliar and I thought for sure that the sauce had spoiled which was both curious and disconcerting.  We looked at each other with expressions of bewildered concern and promptly removed the offending food from our mouths in a manner that I would love to call graceful but truthfully cannot.  When I say the sauce appeared to be chocolate sauce, I mean what covered the frozen yogurt was a dark, viscous liquid from a squeeze bottle housed in the door of the fridge.  Someone (again he shall remain nameless) didn't read the label and poured balsamic glaze liberally over what remained of the PC Blue Menu frozen vanilla yogurt.  Wow.  The chocolate sauce was one shelf higher and someone wasn't paying attention.  *sigh  You've got to love "anything can happen Sundays".

Why does stuff like this always happen to me?

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