Thursday, July 28, 2011

The lime green ones are my favourite!

So I broke down and fell prey to the evil empire that is M&M World.  How can you resist these colours?!!!  There were columns of bright pebbles of candy-coated chocolate goodness and I was powerless to resist.

What was a girl to do?

Central Park and NY skyline from the Museum of Natural History

a view with a room

OK, so this is last night in North America until ???  Today was spent looking at dinosaurs and wandering through Central Park and New York City.  Things kind of hit home this afternoon when I was looking out over the city from the hotel room.  My new landscape will look nothing like what I see now and I’m excited and kind of worried all at the same time.  One last breakfast at the Edison on 47th in the morning then packing and a taxi to JFK.

Stegosaurus spine
 Hopefully tomorrow afternoon’s flight will go smoothly (Guess who is a white-knuckled flyer?) and I’ll be able to stay awake all day once we arrive.  We leave at 2:00 PM EST and arrive in Moscow at 7:45 AM local time the following day.  There is an 8 hour time difference.  I’m looking forward to a city tour and settling in to a temporary flat -the novelty of living in a hotel room is wearing thin.

Stay tuned for the next installments from Moscow in the next week or so.  I’m sure the flight over alone will provide plenty of fodder for laughter with (at?) me.

1 comment:

  1. I use to stay at the Edison with my parents just a "few" years ago.
