Tuesday, September 20, 2011


As you know, these days all I can think about (aside from those awesome yellow shoes in the store window) is if/when our SEA shipment will potentially show up.  Incredibly it seems now that it is due to arrive here on Thursday, September 22nd between 10:30 AM and 11:00AM my time.  My birthday has come 8 days early!  You all will be sound asleep as it will be about 3AM EST when boxes upon boxes of my "stuff" will be hauled up 5 flights of stairs and deposited in my flat.  Thank goodness I've already rearranged the furniture (much to Mr. U's chagrin) and am ready for the mountains of cardboard that will soon litter the front hall.  If I am not mistaken, they are supposed to offer to unpack it all for me too...hmmmmm

Since arriving here, each week it seems that I desperately desire a new item or items that I know are coming in the "mythical SEA shipment".  So here is a list of things that I have been dreaming about this week and can't wait to get my hands on...

my duvet and pillows...oh, to have my pillows
mixing bowls (have you any idea how hard it is to cook with one bowl?)
my chef's knife (*shudder*)

As an afterthought, I'm pretty excited about the following items too...

bubble bath (since I have to climb into the tub, I know it will be great for a soak)
spices аnd curry paste
olive oil
boots with heels (a girl has got to fit in to her surroundings)
shoes with heels (*see above)
coat (it is getting chilly here -it went down to 3° C last night)
rice (and a proper pot to cook it in that doesn't burn the bottom layer -don't ask)
chocolate chips (this means cookies, kids -it has been months since I've done any baking!)
artwork (the walls are too bare and have no character yet)

I am SURE there will be some serious surprise items that I had forgotten all about. 

How am I supposed to wait until Thursday?!!  Any suggestions?

Stay tuned for some awesome photos of the mountains of cardboard that will fill the flat for the next week or so.  At least they do come back and remove the boxes and packing paper.  I am hoping it all gets recycled because the amount of paper used by the packers back in Ottawa was obscene.  It makes me sleep a bit better at night thinking it all will be recycled despite the nagging voice in the back of my mind saying otherwise...

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