Tuesday, November 8, 2011

идёт снег!

After spending the entire day working on my courses (like a good little student) I finally got up from the kitchen table (my rear end having long since fallen asleep) and noticed that it was unusually dark at 5PM, even for this town.  A quick look out the front window had me shocked at the sight of gently falling snow.  Naturally, I jumped up and grabbed my camera.  Clad in my slippers, I dashed out to the front balcony leaving my phobia of heights and unstable surfaces behind.  It took me a few minutes to realize that my fingers were frozen and that standing and staring google-eyed at the falling snow outside while not wearing a coat was, really, not a very clever idea. 

Nonetheless, here are a few quick shots of the first снег of the season as seen from the bedroom balcony.

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