Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Monkeys, Steak and a Flight of Beer

I have it on good authority that no visit to Prague is complete without a visit to La Casa Argentina, steak restaurant-parrilla-tango.  I am inclined to agree.  The meat was delicious (especially since this self-proclaimed carnivore has been desperately missing Alberta beef quality cuts of meat in the Motherland) and the ambiance was very stimulating.  We were seated in the rainforest section and were treated to the gentle sounds of rain falling coming from a curtain of water trickling down along one wall.  Needless to say I had to pee for most of the meal -typical!  A quick trip to the loo after the meal led me to a wonderful discovery...tiny monkeys in a glass case.  MONKEYS?!!!  In a restaurant?  This led to a closer inspection of my surroundings.  There was wildlife everywhere...turtles, parrots, iguanas, piranhas...  Mr. U wanted to know if we could eat them.  I said no.  That's just plain GROSS.

Stacks ON!!!

We were seated in this section.  A thin curtain of water trickled in front of the stone wall on the left. 


From the restaurant we headed across the street to the Prague Beer Museum Pub (http://www.praguebeermuseum.com/en/index.htm) to check out the offerings of the extensive and well-annotated menu.  For the equivalent of $1.00 to $1.50 (Canadian) for each beer, a 'flight' of five 0.17L samples of different beers was a delicious bargain to say the least.  You can choose them yourself or ask the bartender to put together a selection for you.  I chose a cherry beer and Mr. U had a flight of light Pilsners.  There wasn't a bad one in the bunch.



The aftermath.

An uneventful walk home through the quiet streets reminded me of how safe and friendly this city is at any time of the day/night.  Of course there was your usual selection of drunks spilling out of bars (that would be us) and smooching couples in dark corners but nothing threatening or out of the ordinary.

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