Friday, May 4, 2012

Максим Викторович Кедров и Владимир Иванович Козлов; A Tale of Two Brothers

Максим and Владимир have known each other for many years.  In fact they are almost brothers, having shared practically everything their entire lives.  You see, they lived in adjoining apartments, finding each other as playmates very early on in life. 

Максим is the only child of a tired and broken man, his mother dead in childbirth.  Владимир is the 6th and youngest child of a tired and broken woman, her husband more often than not working long hours in the coal mines just barely bringing home enough money to feed 8 hungry mouths. 

Виктор was lucky enough to have earned the respect and pity of his neighbour.  The day he brought his child home from the hospital, she quietly took Максим out of his arms and brought him to her flat where she placed him alongside Владимир in the hand wrought crib passed down through 2 generations of her family.  It had seen its fair share of tears, laughter, joy and sorrow through the years but always had room to shelter one more mewling babe.  Since that cold day in November 199, Максим and Владимир were inseparable. 

Until today, that is.

Today is the day that Максим begins his compulsory military service.  The unlikely brothers share one last beer, one last cigarette, one last carefree moment in the sun before they are separated for the first time in their lives.

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