Sunday, June 23, 2013

Guess Who is Coming to Town!

In keeping with the theme of bizarre things that I come across in Moscow, I've been documenting the concert posters that appear around town.  I try to document as many as I can but sometimes I see them in passing while in a car or on a subway or the opportunity presents itself but I don't have my phone handy.  I know, hard to believe - Mr. U swears that it has become an appendage but I beg to differ.  It isn't always in my hand.  Sometimes my phone is buried at the bottom of my purse (which I swear is a hybrid of Mary Poppins's bag and Hermione's beaded handbag) and I can't quite get at it in time.

Back to the task at hand, though.  Without further ado, here are some of the better, stranger and cooler concert events I've come across.

Fuck Buttons? (see poster on the left, I'm not being impolite - well I am, but you know what I mean)

Mötley Crüe and Daniel Lavoie?  ODD

These guys are still touring?!

Pitbull and Madonna Yeah, I can see these two concerts happening.

Ummm, half of these I haven't heard anything new from and the other half I haven't even heard of!

She is still making music and touring?

Missed it.  Sad now.  Yes, I like Nickelback.  Get over it.

There was controversy surrounding this concert tour.

Kevin Costner?  So I says pardon?

They broke up long before these concerts were announced.  JB in April and SG in September.

Joe Cocker.  I seriously thought he was dead!  Whoops.  Sorry, Joe.

Hugh Laurie - I had to do a double take on this one and sound it out.

Classic rock meets new rock.

Rock gods never die.  They just play in Moscow.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Just WOW

Every once in a while, I'm struck by something odd that happens here.  It may be coming across someone dressed very inappropriately for an activity (handling power tools with no ear or eye protection and wearing sandals and socks) or witnessing what for all intents and purposes is a heated argument that is about to come to some serious blows but all of a sudden turns into three (rather large and imposing) men falling apart amidst huge guffaws of laughter.  I was actually rather nervous to walk by that trio but the peals of laughter eased my fears.  Somewhat.

One of the practices that never fails to make me grin like an absolute fool is the care and attention to detailing.  No, that was not a typo.  I did not mean the care and attention to detail although there is much of that here when talking about the appearance of the young ladies, but I digress.  This post is about the care and attention that people pay to detailing their cars.

Back in Canada we see body kits added, tinting on windows, perhaps a bit of flash in the form of Shelby stripes (they drive me crazy for some reason) but it truly is nothing, I repeat, NOTHING like what we see here.

As I create this post, I am laughing out loud at the thought of all of the photo ops that I have missed.  It is unfortunate that Google Glasses aren't here yet.  Honestly.  I can't even relate to you the sights that I have seen.  The following photos will have to do to give you a brief introduction to the awesomeness that exists here in Moscow.  Hang on to your hats, ladies and gentlemen.  These are in no particular order, just a compilation over time of the best (worst?) cars I've had the pleasure to come across.


*Special nod to R who helped out in the documentation department.  A few of these photos are his.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Ciao, Venezia

Ponte dei Sospiri  Built in 1602, the bridge afforded convicts their last view of Venice before their imprisonment.  Lord Byron dubbed it The Bridge of Sighs in the 19th century in deference to a romantic notion that convicts would sigh longingly as they caught a final glimpse of the beautiful city before being led to their cells.
One cool thing about not having to deal with the trans-Atlantic flight component when traveling through Europe is that destinations are very close and it isn’t inconceivable to wake up in Moscow, have lunch in Amsterdam and then enjoy a scoop of afternoon gelato in Venice.  At 0 dark 30 last Monday, I stumbled from the apartment building and into a waiting car ready to whisk me off to the airport and on to Amsterdam for a few hours to visit with MM and then on to my final destination of Venice early that same afternoon.

My bucket list just got shorter.  Sharing gelato with J, the sweet melody of classical music in Piazza San Marco while sipping a ridiculously expensive espresso (the robust and creamy taste and impeccable service were well worth the price), an enthusiastic cry of “Ciao Bella” directed at me first thing in the morning...  Roberto Benigni is right - La vita è bella.

It was my absolute privilege to be able to stay with a very dear friend in her rented flat along the via Garibaldi.  She was kind and generous enough to shelter me and act as tour guide extraordinaire during my brief sojourn in Venezia despite having professional obligations pulling her in a million directions.  All of this she negotiated with grace and humility despite having a few sleepless nights thanks to my incessant snoring.  She is an angel.

I spent my days walking through the streets of Venice, my eyes devouring the sights, my ears catching multilingual soundbites floating through the air, breathing in the robust scent of the salty sea water and savouring the lingering caramel taste of perfectly-brewed espresso on the tip of my tongue.

Tired feet and a calm spirit were the byproduct of long days spent wandering through the winding, cobblestone-lined streets and canals in the most romantic city I have ever visited. 

Art, beauty, sunshine, colour and light.  Here is Venice through my eyes.

First glimpse of the Venetian lagoon from the Alilaguna linea Blu (airport transfer)

Lido: views on the way to and at the beach.  I wasn't dressed properly (having left Moscow in the morning and dressed for travel) but I rolled up my sleeves, my jeans and spread out my pashmina and made the best of a sunny and comfortable afternoon at the beach.
stunning hotel on the way to the beach

love is in the air

on the way to Via Garibaldi
must have been a red/pink wash day

 The Piazza by night


This is how cement mixing is done in Venice.

fruit and vegetable market on a boat not 20 m from our door

For J

Rialto Market morning.  My father would have loved every moment.  I can picture him now, photographing and chatting with the vendors and shoppers and sampling the fresh fruit and veggies!

in the printmaker's studio

For IM

Cheers, Mr. U!  Thank you.

morning espresso

prosciutto crudo and melon

lunchtime organic and vegetarian restaurant

 Venetian green

The Merchant of Venice


The Piazza by day

Ravel's Bolero in The Piazza




for ZM

for MM