Thursday, March 8, 2012

nom nom nom nom

Garra Rufa fish pedicure
Today my agenda was simple and clear.  Get close enough to the Temple of Zeus to touch it (well, at least right up to the cords around it), visit the Benaki Museum and get a  30 minute “Fish Pedicure”.  What’s that, you say?  What does the Benaki Museum have on display?  Why, artifacts from ancient times -I mean 3000 B.C ancient- until present day.  I know, the Fish Pedicure is what you really want to know about...I’ll get to that soon enough.  We have been very fortunate so far in that the only venue we have had to pay to access was the Temple of Zeus and at that it was only 2 € each!  This past Sunday was the first Sunday of the month so the Acropolis was free, Tuesday was a national holiday so there was no charge in Delphi for our visit to the ruins and museum and today there was no charge for the Benaki Museum (every Thursday is free entry).  We can’t seem to pay for anything around here!  We decided to help the local economy by having lunch at a local joint and that only cost us 10 € for 2 souvlaki, a 1.5 L bottle of water and a beer.

Souvlaki restaurant "delivery" bike

We walked to the Temple of Zeus from our hotel (about 25 minutes) and then towards town through the absolutely heavenly National Gardens.  I can’t imagine how lovely they must be in the summertime when the flowers and trees are in full bloom.  It seems to be a place for quiet reflection, a meeting place for friends and a refreshing oasis in the middle of a very busy metropolis.  I couldn’t help myself, I had to photograph the old men playing cards.  Too bad I couldn’t capture a soundbite of their deep-throated laughter.  You know what I am talking about...the HEH HEH HEH that old men sometimes make when they are playing cards or chess or just hanging out with their buddies.  It was a scene straight out of a movie, I tell you.

close enough to almost touch

Corinthian capitals on the Temple of Zeus

Fallen column -note the multiple pieces that had to be precisely carved

Detail of fallen column


When the vines have their leaves and berries this must be a heavenly passageway.
On our way to the Benaki Museum we crossed paths with what looked to be the National Guard and a disproportionate group of armed militia heading down the street towards Syntagma Square (the main square in front of the Greek Parliament).  We lingered just long enough for me to snap a couple of photos but not a moment more -potentially getting tear-gassed as a protest/rally/riot is being broken up is NOT my idea of a good time.  Mr U. is of another opinion but we continued on to the safety and comfort of the Benaki Museum.

A tad intimidating, wouldn't you say?

Benaki Museum exterior -the building was once a private residence
A 20 minute walk through Plaka (and a couple of wrong turns later) we found the Fish Spa.  Up on the first floor of a dodgy-looking building overlooking Aiolou Street (a pedestrian mall of sorts) is nestled a calm space with multiple fish tanks filled with Garra Rufa fish that live to nibble the dead skin from any part of your body you see fit to submerge into their tanks -I went with the feet and lower legs option.  For 30 minutes I sat quietly while the fish gently nibbled at my legs and feet, feeling something like a gentle vibration.  There was spa music playing in the background and the staff were kind and attentive.  I was praised for my calm demeanor as apparently people jump and squirm the first time they experience the “nibbling” sensation.  The fish don’t have teeth, they just suck and scoot along your skin.  For 18 € I’d do it again in a heartbeat.  They offer fish manicures and a full range of massage services as well.  Time was up for me as Mr. U was waiting patiently on a bench outside in the fresh air.  I opted for the basic foot treatment and I definitely got what I paid for.  My feet feel soft and relaxed, for sure.  A repeatable offence, I’d say.

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