Saturday, August 25, 2012

Праздник «Еды» A Feast for All the Senses

The Afisha Yeda Food Festival was today's destination of choice.  A section of Gorky Park was transformed into a gastronomic fairground for one day only, operating for 10 hours -from noon until 10PM.

We met up with a few friends around 2:30PM and spent the better part of the afternoon walking, gawking and sampling the edible delights on offer.  The late summer weather was perfect, offering a mix of sun and shade as we wandered through the exhibition grounds.  There was a Farmer's Market section, various stages set up throughout the space offering Master Classes, booths of independent restaurants and caterers -all showcasing the best of what Moscow and the surrounding region has to offer.

Weekend in Gorky Park sponsored by IKEA -promotion for their new catalog. These "chair lamps" were positioned down the center arcade for visitors to catch some shade.

Food Festival entrance line up at 3PM; there was a steady stream all day long

Welcome to the Food Festival!
No festival is complete without a mime!!!

Giant bean bags!
 Farmer's Market

This tart was A-MA-Zing!
People Watching

I thought the rule was "No Fur B4 Labour Day"...

"Strolling through the park' attire?

Blue is the new black and always make sure your shoes and shirt match.


Ummmm...I believe that I've found Waldo's little lamb.
 Pretty Girls

Coffee Mania is right!!!
Fine Food Purveyors



I'm not enitirely sure what animal this once was


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