Monday, August 13, 2012

Les oeuvres du Louvre (*caution nudity throughout; just keeping you abreast of the situation)

Today's primary destination was the Louvre.  Mr. U has not stopped making "pimple on the face of Paris" jokes since we got here and it was high time we made it to the Louvre so he could move on and find something else to tease me about.  Despite the unimaginable crowds generating an obscene amount of body heat not to mention making it rather challenging to access any artwork for a significant amount of time, we were able to view the majority of the Louvre's highlights.  

When we arrived at the Louvre, there was a "1h45 minute wait to get in" posted.  It took us less than 10 minutes to procure our entry tickets once we passed through the security screening checkpoint (about a 15 minute wait there).  Even though the following photos do not truly reflect it, the crowds were incessant and thick as can be.  The room featuring La Jaconde gives you an idea of the sheer volume of visitors spread throughout the entire museum.

The crowd looking at the Mona Lisa, never mind the other incredible works in the room...




photo: Mr. U

Mr. U has decided to begin a sepia eagle series.  Stay tuned for more.                             photo: Mr. U

I have never been that hot, sweaty and cranky as the result of a gallery visit in my entire life.  I'm not even going to describe Mr. U's mood by the time we left and headed for Les Halles.  You can fill that one in yourself.  Needless to say our next few activities here in Paris will not involve museums or galleries.

As my personal agenda included a visit to E. Dehillerin for some kitchen tools (because I don't already have enough, right?!) and it was closed until 13h30 since it was Monday, we headed to Les Halles for a quick lunch at the famous Au Pied de Cochon.  I had a soupe à l'onion gratinée "tradition" and Mr. U had a Pied de cochon.  It turns out that he is far more adventurous than I am and frankly, I'm surprised -pleasantly, of course!

I was so excited to go spend all of Mr. U's money at E.Dehillerin after our meal and happily bounded off the 100m or so to the next corner.  Only instead of finding open doors welcoming me and my credit cards, I was met with a piece of paper taped to the portes blindées declaring that, although the store would be open for business throughout the month of August, it would be closed exceptionally on Monday the 6th and Monday the 13th.  Today, you may note, is Monday the 13th.  Feeling as unimpressed as an American Olympic vault silver medal winner, I pouted all the way back to the hotel.  It was a 20 minute walk.  Mr. U laughed at/near me the entire time.
McKayla Maroney is not impressed.
I will be returning to 18, rue Coquillière on Wednesday -ready to spend the contents of my piggy bank.

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